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Being the absolute embodiment of Female Beauty, Intelligence, and Perfection, I find it necessary to communicate in less-than-perfect ways to the male element of My universe. It is with an enlightened mind such as mine that I write this so that the ignorant and less capable male element (meaning you) can understand the rudimentary concepts that I take for granted. This monetary blackmail manifesto is My way of trying to relate to the lowly male element the hows and whys of the economic system of My universe and how he/it should behave within My universe concerning the monetary system I have put in place.
As a Blackmail Princess and a Being of such extreme beauty, intelligence and power, I demand all male elements of My universe to understand that I devised this concept of money for them to give as offerings to Me. The monetary system of My universe is a rudimentary concept put in place by Me so that the male elements of My universe can mentally grasp a nuanced understanding of how to offer an elegant and radiant Being such as Myself their meager donations. The monetary offerings given by the male element of My universe are the only accepted way I have granted the male element to be noticed by Me, and as such, the size of the said offering has the possibility of giving the male element of My universe some notice from My divine nature.
The male element of this universe, Being of such lowly stature, and limited mental capabilities has been granted the ability to earn what will be called money and save it in what I shall call a bank. In addition, I have allowed a system called credit to be created so that the male element of My universe can extend their offerings to Me over a period of time. Of course, those who fail to understand and implement My money system will be faced with a huge blackmail implosion such that they are effectively dismissed from My presence forever.
The most elemental concept of My monetary system is called a wallet. This rudimentary device of My creation was developed to allow the male element of My universe to transport and access the monetary system I have created. With this system in place, I have given the small-minded and limited-thinking male a way to gain My favor, appease Me as their Blackmail Princess, and bring some light and goodness into their lives. Using the wallet I have given them, the male element unburdens Me from carrying the weight of such an administrative load and thus becomes My beast of burden.
My beasts of burden, otherwise known as the male element wallets, have slowly begun to understand the monetary concept I have developed. It is with a glad heart that I am Being properly given more and more timely tributes by the beasts of burden in My universe. In the future, I am confident that more and more of the male elements of My universe will eventually grasp the monetary system I have put in place for them. These beasts of burden will understand that My acknowledgment of them is directly proportional to the monetary offerings given as it is the relative security for their worthless, vanilla lives. All their vanilla lives have secret backdoor alternate realities, which I control absolutely; thus, the critical element of Blackmail becomes possible, even preferable to any struggle.
With this monetary concept in place, My beauty, power, grace, and intelligence are rapidly comprehended by the male elements of My universe. Many become addicted to the pleasure I give them by acknowledging their meager existence, controlling and expanding their perverted sex lives, and taking their money instead of destroying their meaningless lives with the truthful information I possess.
I use My power to leverage their limited brains into understanding that I am their only source of pleasure. (Again, the truth is on My side. Without a fact/truth held in secret, Blackmail is impossible.) The male element of My universe has no choice because of its poorly designed genetics but to eventually become addicted to Me. Over time, a gradual understanding will saturate the male elements of My universe. Slaves like you will all use the monetary system I have developed to obtain that pleasure that only I can bestow or deny. Tribute Button:
When you are ready to take the plunge,
get on your knees and call me.
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