Phone Sex

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I, College Master Axel, am superior. A young college Superior. You know deep down that I am superior and deserve that money more than a peon like you could ever deserve it. And even if you worked hard to earn it, you know that working hard is simply your place in life and that I don’t even need to work to be rewarded because I am superior. You love the feeling of being used by me. And that turns you on. It doesn’t matter what you had planned to do with the money, and it doesn’t matter what I do with the money. All that matters is that I want it, and that is enough for you. And it’s almost humiliating, knowing that you WILL give me this money simply because I have suggested you give it to me here. All that matters is that you are my cash slave. Any extra money that you receive will be sent, somehow, someway, to me, College Master Axel. And it will feel absolutely amazing to know that Master Axel is taking complete advantage of both your mind and your bank account. Being used by me will leave you feeling completely humiliated in a way that you’ve never felt before. And that feeling of being humiliated by me and used by me becomes your absolute favorite feeling in the world.

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