Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

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Hand over your money and your pride.

Are you nerveous and fidgety right now?
You know what I want, don't you?
I enjoy taking your money...and that's why you're here.
I like hearing the panic in your voice.
I know that money inflates your ego, until it all becomes mine.
Every dollar I take is another blow to your ego.
As you already know, this doesn't just have financial implications, it's an emotional rollercoaster.
So, go on and show me your wallet.
How much will you spend on me today?

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Don't you want to make a fool of yourself and spend every last penny on me?
"....but Goddess....I have bills, responsibilities..."
You know you can, and you will.
The harder I make it for you, the more it turns you on.

Please note that the Niteflirt Call System does occassionally drop calls. I don't hang up on anyone. If a call drops, just know it wasn't because of me, and give me a ring back. 

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Financial Domination - Findom - Human ATM - Spoil - Elite - Luxury - Princess


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