Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

* THIS IS ACTUALLY FOR REAL !! , NOT A HOAX OR ROLEPLAY I am the guy in the picture and provable
I am and Alpha, Dominant, Masculine, BLUE EYED, MUSCLED, TATTOO'd former US ARMY COMBAT MEDIC and FORMER DRILL SERGEANT. SSG (Staff Sergeant Jennox)

What is with gay guys and sniffing poppers? its like nail polish remover its the euphoric? What is wrong with them? You all ask for stats and what you are "into", you all talk like robots. Some of you even wanna get beat up or have your dick stepped on thats CRAZY. I do massage for work and have TONS of STORIES TO TALK ABOUT!! I can entertain the shit out of you

. I am an actual Massage Therapist in real life, and I feel that you can help me in that realm as well.

I as a real veteran, find the current economy to be crap, I feel that fags can serve me and do as told.

I actually have HOT tattoo's, not distasteful crap.

You can also:
* Help with my amazon wish list
* Help with my regular bills, cellphone, internet bill, my massage advertising, my GYM bill. (Maybe even my rent, maybe !)
* Obtain my solo videos
* Obtain shirtless pics (for a price)

Things I love * Low-Carb Monster Energy, Music equipment, Protein for the Gym, Nice cars, and gorgeous Women

Help pay my Massage Biz Advertising costs this month

$1 to view my personal website where you can help me with it

$117 pay my phone bill this month

Pay my Gym Payment this month $35

Help Pay for my Seattle trip $999

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