My name is Lottie.
I am 24 years old.
I am petite, 5'1, 92 lbs.
I prefer to remain anonymous here. It is hotter that way.
I am a Dirty Girl.
I am very open minded.
I like talking to strangers.
I often make references no one gets but me.
I am weird and quirky and emotional.
I often laugh inappropriately.
I love getting off.
I love getting you off.
My pussy is bald.
I actually prefer the word cunt. I do not know why I said pussy.
Am I making money here? Yes.
It is not the only reason I am here, but it is one.
Are you paying to be with me? Yes.
But, please remember I am a person, too.
Feedback is always welcome :)
Tributes are, too.