Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

Hello, Losers! My name is Rosa Lani the Money PitPocket. I am from Cebu but I am now living in the United States. I am a little Filipina who know how to steal your money. I'm young and beautiful and I want to live life in the fast lane and I'm going to do it with your hard earned money. You work for me and I am your wicked boss. You do not deserve the money you've earned, I deserve the money you've earned. I'm worthy and you are not. Your place in life is to bust your ass to make me my money. Click that Tribute button over and over again and smash it until your account has been DRAINED. How easy it is to wash and rinse a pathetic cuck sissy like yourself. Call me or text chat me and send tributes and we talk about how much of a PayPig you are.


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