Phone Sex

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I'm an instinctual & artful domina, a female supremacist, and a legitimately certified & practicing hypnotherapist. I have devoted My life to unlocking the depths of the subconscious through these expressions and disciplines, as I find them unspeakably powerful, transcendental, and radically life changing. With the combination of My skills, intuition, & hyper-empathy, I have ways in to the channels of both your physical body & psyche you can't even imagine. I'm imaginative, authentic, & sharp. I have been called a witch, a dakini, a sorceress, and a true face of the Goddess. It is an unquestionable calling of Mine to deconstruct the hetero-patriarchy by re-routing sexual norms and showing men to their knees. I do not doubt My power; even still, I am down to earth, and easy to talk to. Take heed, and stay humble; for the ease I lend communication is among many of the trap-doors in My temple. you won't even realize the gravity of My force until its pulled you in its undertow. My subtle and poignant methods will undoubtedly push your limits, and leave you begging for mercy & more.

you won't shake free from this tiger's mouth & I trust you won't want to. Curating psychological and sensory experiences for a submissive is My natural and unsurpassed passion-- the power of choreographing the demise of another, My most intimate pleasure. I gain my power by encompassing you, throwing silk threads around your brain; you wake up My helpless prey. conversing, staging, exploring: the very act of passing language and breath over your submission to Me feeds My command over you and unlocks your depths. I luxuriate in leading dialogues that disable your brain. If I deem you worthy, I will show you to your place by offering you opportunities to serve, pleasure, worship, & obey Me. My pleasure becomes your pleasure, and you suddenly find that your submission to Me is the key to unravelling other worlds. your submission to Me is your ecstasy, and you soon discover you are nothing without Me. you have so much to learn from Me about your place in the world. What you learn from Me will transform you.

Hypnosis is My specialty. I find that utilizing this method amplifies both sensory and psychological experiences in any style of session. With that said, I am both well-versed in-- and truly relish-- a great many approaches to scaling you and your manhood down to size and reprogramming unsavory behaviors. I reckon, in any event, we will explore more than you can imagine over time.

If it is your first time calling Me, set aside some time for us to get to know one another. you are otherwise encouraged to initiate a "chat", regarding your explicit interests in connecting with Me before we talk. This gives Me a better idea of whether or not we will find a connection. establishing intimacy is integral to my process--and prefer you do not risk reaching out if you are unable to connect with that concept. I am not an actress, and will not waste your or My time in inauthentic, uncharged, or insincere conversation. Approach Me with humility, or you will not get far. Tributes are a great way to get My attention.


*Impatient, hostile, and/or rude callers will be rejected and blocked.


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