Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

So you broke up with me. I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY WITH YOUR NEW GIRLFRIEND! Look I'm sorry for getting angry with you. I still want you. I wanted to marry you, wanted you to impregnate me... I still do. Will you take the restraining order off me so we can work this out?

I want to be in your arms again... Few weeks ago I snuck into the gym you work out at, broke into your locker, and sniffed your jock strap. I will do anything to get close to your dick again!

She is no competition to me and things can't be that serious with her. I won't stop breaking into her house! I know you moved in with her but baby we can get a place of our own! Leave her and come back to me... I'm tired of keying her car anyways. I promise things will be better this time! I'll do anything to get your attention, anything, I'll show you... I'LL SHOW ALL OF YOU!

P.S. When you text me back please stop saying I'm crazy... I'M NOT CRAZY!
Love, Alex

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