Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

Hi, I Am PRoject Robotica, just a name i made up for you.Im into science and of course bots and love to program artificial inteligence (AI)

I'm a 3 year TS, with a voice most find very sexy. If you need company or someone there to talk with - i'm quite shy, but can be brought out by the right guy/girl if i'm in the mood.

You might have to teach me a few things, i'm still learning to be good at being bad...

my Video Come play with me, i go all the way for U :) 8 minutes $25 p

The NEW Pictures, yes i you were curious what i look like at 24 , with a special pic :)

newer pictures of my ass and budding breasts :)
3 total
I live in a small Texas town, in the middle of the Bible Belt. Most of the folk around here are REALLY old fashioned, and don't know how to deal with a person like me. I know you and I can connect, though.

I may record my thoughts and a fantasy or 2 what i want in a boy when AM in the mood and i'll put them online if anyone cares .. RIGHT NOW i added 2 new AI recordings, cyber sex Sexy Voice Robot talking dirty by Robitica tell me if you like it?

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