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Goddess Eriko has been a member since 12/18/2010


My name is Goddess Eriko. If you are reading this, it is because I have summoned you to serve me. This is the first step on your journey of spiritual hypnosis training, a process I call FREEDOM THROUGH SLAVERY.

I specialize in intense hypnosis, mindfucks, and cult member brainwashing. I invited you to explore some of my MP3 offerings, then contact me with a tribute of $5.55 to arrange a live call.

Cult Member Indoctrination Materials
Cult of The Red Goddess: A Manifesto (6 Page PDF) $5.55
Red Goddess Cult Member Indoctrination Hypnosis Video: Red Rose Babalon Attunement $33.33
Level One of Initiation to the Cult of the Red Goddess (Lesson One of Slave Training Program) $55.55
AWAKENING BABALON: RECLAIMING THE GODDESS WITHIN Cult of The Red Goddess Indoctrination Program $111.11

A Few of My Best Selling Hypnosis and Mindfuck MP3s
Blink Blank Blackout: 31 Minute Hypnosis & Mindfuck MP3 $19.99
Ego Eradication: 30 Minutes Hypnosis and Brainwashing for Obedience $19.99
Amnesia: Mind Fuck "Fantasy" MP3 (15 Mins) $14.99
Open To Me (10 Minute Hypno ASMR) $14.99
Pleasure Overload Sensual Hypnosis (30 Min. MP3) $17.99
Intrusive Thoughts: 10 Min. Obsession Programming Loop MP3 $14.99

Click to see my full MP3 Catalog!