Phone Sex

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I'm back - your FAVORITE ex-girlfriend!!

Sorry I had to break things off, you just were such a
disappointment, your clinginess, your disgusting habits,
jerking off all the time, and don't get me started on
your tiny cocklette!! And don't try to get with any of
my girlfriends because they know ALL about you haha.

BUT, I do love to taunt you, be a brat to you, let you
know that I've been fucking your friends, and I can
tell you that they are ALL way better in bed than you
were! You're a little beta boy compared to them, they
know what I like and they give it to me! I can get with
a different guy every night now if I want to!! I don't
have you holding my back (not that you did anyway lol)

Call me and I'll tell you what your friends and I talk
about before and after sex...not very flattering I can
tell you that much. They can't believe I stayed with
you for months...actually I can't either! Just call!


pix of me sucking off other guys