Phone Sex

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Surrender to Mira Stern - Beautiful Financial Agony

After a certain point, money is meaningless. It ceases to be the goal. The game is what counts. - Aristotle Onassis

What is the greatest luxury?

Chanel? Rubies? Can you get it at Christie's? No. Pointless toys are nice, but unimportant. Peak experiences are all that matter. When I take your money from you - that is a peak experience for me.

What is the most addictive intoxicant?

Do you snort it, quaff it, shoot it, pop it, huff it? No.

You listen to it. You read it. It is the WORD. My words. These words. Words which hold greater power than anything you can stare at, anything you can tangibly touch.
Words which cut to the quick. Words which sensually seduce; and words which make you open your wallet wide. Words which render you incapable of NOT giving me all you have.

Words which mark ME as the ultimate gold standard of a higher power. Pick up the phone. Click and pay tribute. And let my games begin now.

cash is king.

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I have people like you to sweat the details, little people leading wasted lives, lacking imagination, ambtion, and wow factor of their own. When you contact me, you can convince yourself that one iota of my wit, uniqueness, and general awesomeness rubs off on you. Go ahead, I don't mind at all. All you need for this fantasy is a handful of cash and a weak little mind.

For me? You shouldn't have. Waited.

If you have a gifting fetish, and just love every little thing that I am about, showering me in nice things and even nicer experiences is simply the natural and normal thing to do. You really can't hold back. Stuff your niteflirt wallet full, get out those credit cards, and let's celebrate my brilliance together. Whether it's a hard party and a lost weekend or a sleek salon in which my wit just SHINES - you're in the right place.

Being financially exploited, used, fucked over, and toyed with by Domina Stern is the highest of honors and the best of indulgences. If you've never thanked me for taking your money, you don't know what your life is missing yet!

Call now: Financial Domination at its finest: 1-800-863-5478
ext: 0370703



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