Event | Rating Result |
Each missed call*: | minus 2 points |
Each 15 minutes**: | plus 2 points |
Each 5-star rating: | plus 2 points |
Each 4-star rating: | plus 1 point |
Each 3-star rating: | 0 points |
Each 2-star rating: | minus 1 point |
Each 1-star rating: | minus 2 points |
Each customer acquired***: | plus 3 points |
* While a flirt is listed as Available. Note: If
you press "2" to not accept a call, that call is regarded as a missed
call and receives a minus 2 point rating.
** Applicable to calls costing at least $.25 per minute
more than the basic connection rate.
Note: "Free minutes" do not count toward 15-minute rating bonuses.
***Each member who enters a credit card and puts money into his
or her account for the first time during a call to this listing.
Your rating appears next to the listing itself and on your personal home page. All listings are rated as "New" for the first three months they're on the site, or until they receive their first call (a listing that goes three months without receiving a call will be given a "0" rating).
What about Mail?
A Paid Mail must be worth at least $2.00 to be eligible to be rated.
What about Recorded Listings?
Your Recorded Listings are available 24 hours a day
to anyone who want to listen to them. Their overall rating
will consist of the points they gain or lose, according to the above formula,
when customers rate them after the call.
The number of stars you see by an flirt's listing indicates the average rating (on the 1-to-5 scale described above) that he or she has received from customers who have called this listing in the past.
Stars help customers choose which flirt to call
for advice -- and reward flirts for their number of satisfied customers.